Over the past several years we have been very busy building Apps for the Field across the mobile platforms that you use most.
Everyday workflows for asset data collection and inspection, capturing observations, and completing surveys can be realized using Collector for ArcGIS and Survey123 for ArcGIS on iOS and Android devices or using Windows 10 tablets and PCs. You can also complete Survey forms on Windows 7 laptops/tablets and Windows 10 phones.
Managing your work list with Workforce for ArcGIS, getting to the location of your field work using Navigator for ArcGIS, and discovering maps using Explorer for ArcGIS are supported only on the iOS and Android platforms.
Reviewing store download numbers and ArcGIS Online usage patterns, the dominant platforms are iOS and Android. The uptake of Windows, and even more specifically Windows 10, within the enterprise have been quite low.
The following table describes our current level of platform support for field apps:
Challenged with both the need to build new capabilities into these applications and stay current with the latest advancements in the ArcGIS platform, we have chosen to focus our Windows platform development efforts for 2017 on field collection workflows with Collector for ArcGIS and Survey123 for ArcGIS only. We are suspending development of Workforce, Navigator, and Explorer on Windows 10 until we see an increase in Windows 10 adoption.
We are looking for your feedback and interest in the Windows platform. Email us at esriApps4Windows10@esri.com and provide details on your plans for using Windows in the field.
Apps Team
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