Imagery & Remote Sensing

What's New in World Imagery Basemap (January 2018)

From hundreds of new and refreshed +Metro cities, to a massive broad area update of the United States, we have been very busy producing, curating, and publishing content for World Imagery.

DigitalGlobe Basemap +Vivid
+Vivid is our primary imagery basemap solution for providing high quality, high resolution, broad area global imagery. We have introduced new coverage for areas that previously lacked high resolution imagery, and we continue to refresh existing coverage.
Recent and pending +Vivid Updates include: Afghanistan, Australia, Canada North West Territories and Yukon, United Kingdom, United States, and coming soon…a refresh of Western Europe.

The release of +Vivid across the United States is a significant step forward in terms of optimizing the overall depth, breadth, and currency of World Imagery coverage…

Sample comparison of NAIP 2016 vs +Vivid 2016 over Lower Manhattan…

DigitalGlobe Basemap +Metro

In our ongoing effort to ‘keep it fresh’, since October, World Imagery has received new imagery for 340 +Metro cities. That is more than half of our total +Metro city count! More than 300 of these cities are second generation publications…fresh imagery for cities that we just published within the previous year! Check out What’s New – DigitalGlobe Basemap +Metro for some highlights and a full listing of cities.

Community Maps Imagery

We continue to receive many high quality and high value contributions through our Community Maps Program. World Imagery has recently received many significant Community Maps contributions. Honorable mention goes out to the Florida DOT in the United States and a number of regional contributions across New Zealand…

Florida Coverage
New Zealand Coverage


Other recent community contributions…

  • Hollister, CA
  • Nashua, NH
  • Yakima, WA
  • Port Townsend, WA
  • Minnehaha County, SD
  • Sioux Falls, SD
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • Santa Rosa, CA
  • Elgin County, Canada
  • Salt Lake County, UT
  • Squamish, Canada
  • Dufferin County, Canada
  • Cambridge, Canada
  • Fargo, ND



We’ll close today’s post with best wishes and a very Happy New Year to our user community! Check back with us throughout 2018 for the latest in World Imagery updates!

About the author

As Content Lead for all things imagery in ArcGIS Living Atlas, Robert takes great pride in enabling the Esri community with the rich geographic information that Living Atlas provides...information to complement and enhance the ArcGIS system...information to support and drive the Science of Where.

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