ArcGIS Insights

Share your Insights analysis using ArcGIS StoryMaps

ArcGIS Insights is a great product to use when you need to do analysis, but sometimes just doing the analysis isn’t enough.  Communicating your results with clients and colleagues is often required, and one of the best ways to share your results is through ArcGIS StoryMaps. This blog will walk you through the steps to share your results and embed them into ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Looking for some inspiration? Check out these examples of Insights content embedded in ArcGIS StoryMaps:

Before you begin

This blog deals with the steps you perform after you have completed your analysis.  You can follow along with the steps using a page from your own analysis, or by first completing the exercise Create a report in ArcGIS Insights up until the steps when you share your results.

You will also need to open ArcGIS StoryMaps and create a new story or open an existing story.

Publish your report in Insights

To view your analysis from Insights in a story, you will need to publish your Insights report.  Shared reports can be viewed by members of your organization or the public, even if the viewer does not have an Insights license.  The data on a report cannot be updated or analyzed, but the viewer can interact with cards, including making selections, zooming and panning on a map, and flipping the cards to view statistics.

Before you publish and share your report you should consider some of the following edits:

For additional tips for making compelling visualizations in Insights, see Communicating your Insights: A practical guide.

Once your cards have been organized the way you want them, click the Publish button on the workbook toolbar.

Publish button

The Publish window opens and you can update the Title, Tags, Description, and Share with options.  You can also choose whether to allow people viewing the report to export your cards as images or data.

You must share your report with Everyone if you plan to make it public.  If your story is staying within your organization then you can share the report with just your organization. Click Publish or Update to publish the report.

Publish window

When your report is published, the window will display four new options: View your published report, Access your report item, Embed, and Schedule an update. You are going to use the <iframe> from Embed to display your report in a story.

The <iframe> is optimized to use in ArcGIS StoryMaps by default. You can configure the <iframe> further to fit the size of your report. For more information, see the Insights iframe guide.

Add an <iframe> to your story

An <iframe> is used to embed your shared Insights report in your story as a web page. When you add new content to a story, you will have the option to add web content through an embed block.

Add an Embed block

Copy the <iframe> from your published report, paste it in the Add web content window, and click Add.  Your Insights report will now be embedded into your story. You can change the size of the embed block and configure the embed options.


Use the following reources to learn more:


This article was originally published on March 22, 2017 and has been updated.

About the author

Vicki Lynn Cove is a documentation writer for Map Viewer analysis and ArcGIS Insights at Esri's Research and Development Centre in Ottawa, Canada. She has a background in biology, English literature, and GIS. In her spare time, Vicki Lynn enjoys fibre arts, playing her guitar, and the outdoors.

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