
What's New in ArcGIS API for JavaScript (December 2019)

The end of the year is here and so is clustering! The latest release of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript includes many updates that you can start taking advantage of in your apps; for example point clustering for 2D, the ability to save and update web maps, new 3D client-side analysis tools for line of sight and displaying daylight and shadows, important performance enhancements, and much more. Continue reading for an overview of some of the highlights of version 4.14 or check out the release notes for all the details.

Clustering is here (in beta)!

4.x now supports client-side point clustering of feature layers, GeoJSON layers, and CSV layers in 2D map views. You get to decide what each cluster should communicate about the underlying data. You have the option to use a single cluster symbol to be sized based on the number of features within the cluster, or style it in a way that signifies a summary of the features’ values within the cluster: Either represent the average or predominant values of the features within each cluster, or the most common value within a cluster. Popups can also be configured to show summary information for the cluster.

Point clustering with visual variables.

There are some exciting aspects of clustering that surpass what is possible in 3.x, simply because it builds upon capabilities already part of 4.x. For example:

Animation showing power plants in Europe clustered by fuel type. As the user slides the slider thumb, the clusters change in color and size, reflecting the features complying with the underlying filter.
Clustered power plants in Europe visualized by fuel type. When a client-side filter is applied to the layer view, clusters are immediately recomputed, summarizing the number and predominant type of power generating stations that satisfy the filter criteria.
Clustering on a GeoJSON layer.

As with 3.x, clustering options can be defined directly in your code or configured it in a web map in ArcGIS Online or Enterprise, and then simply loaded it in your app. This is just the initial release of clustering; work is already underway for expanding the flexibility and power of clustering including server-side clustering for huge datasets and the ability to label clusters with the count of underlying features. Stay tuned for upcoming releases and please share your feedback with us via the /next GitHub repo.

Save web maps

Have you ever wanted to allow your end users to add a layer to a web map, save a new initial extent, update what layers are visible, or even create a new web map, right from your own app? Saving web maps is now possible with a few lines of code. You can either update an existing web map or create a new one and save it in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. This is a very simple but powerful capability that will enable you to build new workflows into your applications.

  title: "My new WebMap",
  portal: portal

Easily compare data with different time extents

We have made a few enhancements to the APIs capabilities when it comes to visualizing temporal data. One of the updates is the ability to set a time “offset” on a feature layer. This allows users to overlay and compare features from two or more time-aware layers with different time extents. For example, you might want to visualize datasets from 1919 and 2019 concurrently to compare and understand how a phenomenon has changed in 100 years. To do this, you could set the offset of the 1919 feature layer to a value of 100 to temporarily shift the data to 2019. Then using the TimeSlider widget, interactively adjust the time extent to compare the data from both years, month to month (or any other desired time extent).

This sample visualizes 5 years of fires in California using the offset property and the TimeSlider widget.

Edit attachments & new options

Editing support has been introduced in the 4.x API iteratively over multiple releases. With version 4.14, you can now add, update, and delete attachments with the FeatureLayer.applyEdits() method. In the future, this capability will also be available via the API’s editing widgets. More options were also added to applyEdits in order to control how edits should be handled in various scenarios; for example to specify the geodatabase version to apply the edits (for versioned databases) and whether edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed.

Line of sight widget

The new Line of Sight widget allows you to analyze visibility in your scene. Place two or more points on buildings, ground and other scene objects to evaluate direct line visibility. For example, you might want to evaluate the impact of planed construction on the surrounding buildings. Analysis results update interactively as you move the observer or targets within your scene. In addition to allowing the end user to interactively perform the analysis, you can programmatically set the observer and targets for a line of sight analysis to visualize whether the view between existing features in your scene is obstructed or not.

Line of sight 3D analysis widget.

Daylight widget

Simulate shadow and ambient lighting conditions using the new Daylight widget. Change the time and date to see the shadows casted by 3D objects in your scene. The widget also allows you to animate the sunlight throughout the day, and even includes stars in the sky in their correct placement. This widget is powered using accurate lighting information for any day, time, and place on earth.

Simulate shadow and ambient lighting conditions using the Daylight widget.

Labels for 3D Object Scene Layers

SceneLayers that show 3D objects such as buildings now support labels, offering the same labeling capabilities as feature layers. This will simplify your code when labeling 3D objects as you can generate labels directly from the attributes of the SceneLayer cache as opposed to using an additional feature layer for labeling.

Performance improvements

We are continually evolving the API to increase performance (more can be found in the release notes):

API Modernization

With each release, we advance the API in terms of modernization. As modern browsers offer an increasing amount of capabilities, we are able to do more with less JavaScript code that is part the API. This results in a more powerful and lean API. In 4.14, we focused on the following areas:

New guide page on color selection best practices

All the color ramps used in the Smart Mapping symbology APIs can now be easily viewed, filtered, and copied to your apps in a guide page: Esri Color Ramps. This guide, together with the new Visualization best practices guide, provides easy access to more than 300 color ramps designed by color experts. They are categorized to help you make smart decisions when choosing colors for renderers and charts, and can be used independently of Smart Mapping.

Learn more

There is a lot more to this release, for example an option to disable mouse-wheel zooming and single finger panning (useful for touch devices), updates to Smart Mapping including the ability to control symbol sizes by scale, and more than 50 bug fixes. To learn more about the release, explore:

Another great way to learn about the recent advances in the JavaScript API and the broader ArcGIS platform is by attending the Esri Developer Summit taking place in March 2020 in Palm Springs, CA. The event features a wide range of technical sessions presented by the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Development team, a showcase where you can talk to the team about your project and any questions you have, social events, and much more. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog that will serve as a guide for web developers.

About the authors

Julie Powell is a Principal Product Manager, focusing on Esri's web development technologies. She works to ensure developers can be successful in building state of the art, purposeful solutions using ArcGIS software. Julie brings 20 years of experience working with global leaders such as Hewlett-Packard and Esri, delivering a variety of software solutions for both the enterprise and consumer markets. Julie has worked on a wide range of projects and consulting endeavors, including serving as technical lead for web mapping solutions for strategic customers.


20+ years of experience with web mapping. Currently lead project engineer for the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript development team at Esri.


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