
UC Water/Wastewater and Water Resources follow-up

by Christa Campbell and Caitlin Scopel, Esri

D. Maidment cutting 20th anniversary cake!It was another great year in San Diego!

The two-day preconference Water/Wastewater and Water Resources meetings kicked off an exciting week.

At this year’s UC, the water community had to choose from 34 moderated paper sessions, 5 technical workshops, 4 user group meetings, 46 industry partners in the EXPO and of course the “Pool Party.” This year was the 20th anniversary of the Water Resources Annual Meeting, and we had record attendance! Thanks to everyone who could to attend the meetings, and for those who couldn’t, we hope to see you next year.

Thank you to our presenters and sponsors!

Our Presenters –
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, Anchorage Water and Wastewater Uitility, Mountain Water Company, City of Newport News, EPCOR, GeoDecisions, Vertex3, University of Texas, Kisters, BYU, Aquaveo, World Resources Institute, Horizons Regional Council and the Grand River Conservation Authority

Our Sponsors –
Kisters, CH2M Hill, DHI, echologics, IBM, IT Pipes, iWater, Trimble, Atkins, EMA, ID Modeling, lucity, SpacialWave, Aquarius Consulting, Black & Veatch, Cityworks, GeoDecisions, HDR Engineering, Innovyze, MarshallGIS, Neptune Technology Group, Nobel Systems, PennWell, Pipeline Data Management, Pipelogix, Rocky Mountain PAS, RouteSmart, TC Technology, Telepipe Service, Vertex3, Wachs Water Services, Westin Engineering

Team Water/Wastewater

Attendees of the Water/Wastewater Annual Meeting

Team Water Resources

Water Resources Annual Meeting Attendees

Presentation slides from the Saturday Water/Wastewater Meeting can be found on the Esri Team Water/Wastewater page.

Presentation slides from the Sunday Water Resources Meeting are available on the Hydro Resource Center Education Gallery.
Use filter: Water Resources Annual Meeting. (Presentations from this year have 2013 in the title.)

Water Resources Annual Meeting Agenda
Water Resources Annual Meeting Agenda, 2013


Coming soon!
Recordings of both meetings will be posted on our Esri Video site. There will be blog posts in the near future diving into some of the topics covered during the meetings, and other interesting projects we found out about at the conference, so, please check back to the Hydro Blog, and follow us on Twitter (@HydroTeam) for blog announcements.

About the author

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team


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