
Hydromodification Planning and Management Methods

By Papantzin Cid, GIS Analyst

Hydromodification PlanningHydromodification is the change in channel formation associated with changes in sediment; changes in sediment are usually caused by land use alterations. In an effort to mitigate the effects of hydromodification, the California State Water Resources Control Board convened an expert panel to identify hydromodification planning and management methods. As a preliminary step, the panel of experts suggested the use of GIS as a rapid assessment tool. Geology, slope, and land use were used to characterize the watershed into geomorphic landscape units for both current and planned land use datasets. The landscape units were used to identify changes in sediment production rates between existing and planned land uses; these changes indicate areas at risk for hydromodification.

Land use relative to sediment production rates comparison

For more information about this project, please contact Papantzin Cid.

About the author

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team

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