ArcGIS QuickCapture

What's new in ArcGIS QuickCapture (December 2020)

If you were to install the latest version of ArcGIS QuickCapture (and you should), you would not see much of a difference at first sight: this version is 100% compatible with your existing projects and the app user experience remains untouched. This update, however, is a big jump forward in terms of quality and ways to improve your field data collection workflows. Here is why:

A more robust and dependable mobile app


The use of ArcGIS QuickCapture to support field data collection is growing quickly. Over the past 3 months we have worked very closely with organizations deploying QuickCapture at large scale: to support COVID-19 related efforts, in response to natural disasters, for routine asset maintenance and inspections, in conservation projects and other initiatives of all sorts.  Through this collaboration, we found ways to make the mobile app more reliable and robust.

QuickCapture now manages varying network conditions better than ever before. The app handles situations where network connectivity is poor or unreliable, and recovers from data upload failures without user intervention.  This update also brings better memory management, allowing you to capture more data simultaneously and over longer periods of time.


More project configuration options


A handful of enhancements have been added to QuickCapture designer, the web experience for building and managing your QuickCapture projects.

QuickCapture designer allows you to define free text entry in project user inputs
QuickCapture designer lets you change the button label size
Pass a location to Survey123 (QuickCapture)

All the above enhancements in QuickCapture designer will help adjust your projects to the specific needs of your field data collection workflows.  Give yourself some time to explore these different options as they can make a difference to field users.


Project templates


Project templates allow you to kick-start your own projects from a list of predefined fully functional projects. You can use these templates as-is or tailor them to your needs. In this release we have added a few new templates:

QuickCapture Templates

ou will also note that all the QuickCapture templates include ready to use dashboards and layer views.  As an administrator of your organization, you can also configure your own templates for use by other QuickCapture authors.


Oriented Imagery (Beta)


Finally, we are also introducing a new exciting Beta feature with this release: Oriented Imagery. The basic idea here is to enable you to exploit photos taken from the field in a more interactive way, using oriented imagery tools in ArcGIS.

Starting with this version, you can enable your projects for oriented imagery data collection. By doing so, when a photo is taken with the QuickCapture app, a number of attributes (photo location, heading, pitch roll, field of view and more) are automatically stored as GIS attributes. With this information, ArcGIS Oriented Imagery tools in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) as well as ArcGIS Pro will let you visualize and query your field collected data in innovative ways. Below is a brief animation showing these tools in action.


Orienred Imagery QuickCapure

Oriented imagery tools let you quickly discover existing photos you may have of existing assets; by clicking on a map. They also help you visualize your photos in a geographic context by projecting on a map the field of view of your photos. Enabling oriented imagery in your QuickCapture projects adds no overhead to field users, but enriches and prepares your field collected data for using these exciting tools in the future.


More resources


If you want to learn more, check our What’s New video below as well as our What’s New in QuickCapture help topic.  Over the next few weeks we will post some additional focused articles describing in more depth how to take advantage of some of the features described here.

About the author

Ismael Chivite joined Esri in 2002. A geographer by training, he loves helping people leverage GIS to improve the way they work. As a Senior Product Manager, Ismael is always looking for ideas to create new and improve existing Esri products. Outside working hours: Legos, rock climbing, Romanesque architecture and jamon iberico. On occasion, he enjoys jamon during working hours too.

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