ArcGIS QuickCapture

ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.1 now available

ArcGIS QuickCapture 1.1 is now available across all supported platforms (iOS, Android and Windows). This new release includes support for over 30 languages, UX improvements to streamline field data capture and a more powerful experience to help you author your own projects.

If you are not familiar with this new mobile app, feel free to check our GeoNet place, where you will find videos, tutorials and a discussion forum.

Here is what is new in this release:


QuickCapture in over 30 languages

The next time you open the mobile app, it will welcome you in your own language.  It is now available in over 30 languages, including ‘right to left’ languages like Arabic and Hebrew.

Text to speech functionality also works in most languages, although it will automatically be disabled if the operating system in your device does not support text to speech in the active language.

ArcGIS QuickCapture supported in over 30 languages
ArcGIS QuickCapture supported in over 30 languages

QR Code to scan an Enterprise URL

If you plan to deploy ArcGIS QuickCapture against your own instance of ArcGIS Enterprise, this will make a difference: When setting up a connection to ArcGIS Enterprise, you no longer need to manually type the URL: A handy barcode scanner has been added to streamline this workflow.

To take advantage of this feature, you will need to create first a QR barcode representing the URL of your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. Here is what an ArcGIS Enterprise URL looks like:

Note that I left the /home out of it. Keep /home for your browser. You do not need to include that for QuickCapture: (Correct) (Incorrect)

There are many utilities out there to help you create a QR code from your ArcGIS Enterprise URL. I like QR Code Generator, but there are many others. Once you have the QR code, you can include it in an e-mail with step by step instructions, print it on paper, etc.

Stop all active buttons with a single tap

With this update, you no longer need to manually stop -one by one- all active buttons before you can close your project in the mobile app. A new confirmation dialog will let you end all active captures with a single tap. A time saver for field users.

Enhanced QuickCapture designer

With QuickCapture designer, right from a web browser, you can create your own projects for the QuickCapture mobile app. Here is what is new in this update:

While the QuickCapture mobile app is generally available and fully supported, we will keep the designer web app labeled as Beta and English-only until the next ArcGIS Online update (tentatively planned for October 2019).

The next update to ArcGIS QuickCapture is planned to be made available in September. Beta builds available through the ArcGIS QuickCapture Early Adopter Program.

One last note: You can join our GeoNet place to access tutorials or post questions in our forum.


About the author

Ismael Chivite joined Esri in 2002. A geographer by training, he loves helping people leverage GIS to improve the way they work. As a Senior Product Manager, Ismael is always looking for ideas to create new and improve existing Esri products. Outside working hours: Legos, rock climbing, Romanesque architecture and jamon iberico. On occasion, he enjoys jamon during working hours too.


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