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Esri Innovation Program (EIP)

A building in the foreground with two images in circles in the foreground, with one circle showing a person smiling with a group while working on a laptop, and the other circle showing a person presenting to a group

The Esri Innovation Program (EIP) encourages educators and students to advance geospatial science in research and education, aligned to industry trends and workforce needs. The program aims to cultivate growth in GIS research and promote teaching excellence in spatial data science, analytics, and GIScience in higher education institutions. EIP institutions and their students gain technical expertise, resources, and support provided by Esri and a community of peers.

EIP Students of the Year demonstrate geospatial excellence

University programs that promote excellence in geospatial research and education qualify for special benefits. These programs challenge students to use ArcGIS software and other Esri tools in innovative ways. Recent program winners are using GIS to tackle climate change and infrastructure issues.

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Yale student Yichen Yang holding an award and standing with Esri president Jack Dangermond in front of a blue backdrop

GIS innovation in education

EIP institutions advance new ideas from research to reality, utilizing GIS and spatial technologies to help design a sustainable future.

Excellence in teaching and learning

EIP institutions encourage their students to develop skills in the latest geospatial technology supported by ArcGIS software.

Advancement in GIS research

EIP institutions leverage new and groundbreaking developments in geoscience.

Collaboration with peers

EIP institutions build their community network through collaboration across institutions, sharing ideas and learning from one another.

Meet Current EIP institutions

Explore the innovative work of current members


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