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National Government Webinar Series

Driving Operational Knowledge Through Drones

Tuesday, May 19 | 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. (PDT)

Driving Operational Knowledge Through Drones

Drones are affordable and powerful data collection tools for governments worldwide.  There is now broad usage in surveying, disaster relief, search and rescue, surveillance, planning, scientific research, and so much more.  Now data collection and analysis from drones is faster than ever. Learn how Esri provides a cloud-based solution that maximizes the value of the data and minimizes the time from drone flight to decision making. 

Key Takeaways

By attending this session, you will learn how to:

  • Plan flights with GIS

  •  Add image processing in your workflows

  • Conduct analysis with ArcGIS deep learning tools with your drone data 

  • Improve understanding with enhanced data visualization and sharing capabilities