As the second largest county in North Carolina and with nearly 700,000 addresses to maintain, Mecklenburg County is serving as a model for others to follow by using geographic information system (GIS) technology. The Address Data Management Division of Geospatial Information Services is responsible for maintaining situs address locations and road centerlines for all of Mecklenburg County. A single address record holds information including the house number, street name, zip code, postal city, jurisdiction, volunteer fire districts, and special tax districts. All this data is vital to the permitting process for code enforcement, supports 911 dispatch for emergency management, and is shared with other county agencies as well as the public at large. GIS is the critical system for the addressing department in Mecklenburg County to create and maintain their addresses in the most efficient way.
The county’s GIS professionals have developed a state-of-the art, geographically based system to streamline the process of creating and maintaining addresses from beginning to end. Addressing managers are using GIS solutions to more easily delegate work and track staff performance, as well as to eliminate the duplication of work and addresses. Most importantly, the public is also much better supported, as requests are received and resolved more quickly.