Belgium, Canada, and HaitiGIS Instructors Have the Power!
Denis Roose

Denis Roose, founder of Edgetech America, Inc., a Business Partner and GIS training, analysis, and programming service based in Glen Allen, Virginia, is seen visiting his hometown of Brussels, Belgium. He is standing next to the statue of Gerardus Mercator (1512�1594), the famous Belgian geographer, cartographer, and mathematician who gave the world the Mercator coordinate system and coined the term atlas as a collection of maps. The Mercator projection has been more widely used than any other projection for navigators' world maps. Denis seems pleased. Perhaps that's because he is wearing his 2005 Esri Business Partner T-shirt! |
Margaret Chernosky

Margaret Chernosky, a geography teacher at Bangor High School in Bangor, Maine, tells us she was raised in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, with a highland heart! When she made a nostalgic visit to Nova Scotia recently, she didn't forget her Esri T-shirt, we are happy to see. |
Steve Obenhaus

Steve Obenhaus, Olathe North High School in Olathe, Kansas, is a high school math teacher who teaches GIS to upper-level students. He tells us, "We have a joint project with a Haitian health center to test the drinking water in the center's service area and send back reports, including maps, of the sources and their quality for use in determining possible new well sites. I am shown here testing a hand-dug well in a small cluster of thatch homes near Jorgue, Haiti." The climate looks to be perfect for wearing his Esri T-shirt! |
Expanded T-Shirts
Jon Chapman
| Jon Chapman, stewardship and monitoring coordinator for the Maryland Environmental Trust, a statewide land trust, is showing off his Esri T-shirt while standing by the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. His family visited Zion, Bryce Canyon, the North and South Rims, Lake Powell/Glen Canyon, and Sedona on the trip. Jon says, "My eldest son said he'd had enough 'canyoney goodness' after just a couple of days, but I'm sure he'll appreciate it all in time." |
Bob Hickey
| Bob Hickey is a visiting associate professor of geography/GIS at the University of Pecs, P�cs, Hungary. In this photo, he proudly poses with his Esri T-shirt in a wine cellar in Siklos, Hungary, after a morning of pressing grapes. |
D.A. Brown
| D. A. Brown, State Department Foreign Service diplomat in the Economic Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, India, recently went on an official mission to the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. While there, he took a three-day trek through the Himalayas from 7,000 feet up to 13,000 feet. D. A. is pictured here with his Esri T-shirt and, of course, the requisite pack mules. |
Wear an Esri T-shirt in a unique location and send a photograph to ArcNews. While digital photos sent via e-mail (tmiller@esri.com) are preferred, prints or slides can be sent to Thomas K. Miller, ArcNews Editor, ArcNews T-Shirt Feature, Esri, 380 New York Street, Redlands, California 92373-8100, USA.