
By Airbus, Intelligence

Solution details




Pléiades is an optical satellite constellation providing very high-resolution products (50cm) with a 20km swath. Both the space and the ground segment have been designed to provide information in record time, offering daily revisit capacity to any point on the globe and outstanding acquisition capabilities to meet the full spectrum of civil and military requirements. The Pléiades constellation is the right answer to extract accurate information and bring powerful insight to make informed decisions. Pléiades key features: -- Very-high-resolution multispectral twin satellites [50-cm products] -- Daily revisit capacity and highly reactive tasking -- Advanced agility including 5 collection scenarios: Target, Strip Mapping, Tri-Stereo, Corridor and Persistent Surveillance -- Truly available satellite resource capacity -- Stereo / Tristereo capacity and fresh archive


Agriculture,Architecture, Engineering & Construction,Defense,Insurance,Petroleum

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