Arx iT SA (www.arxit.com) is a computer services company specialized in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Arx iT is based in Switzerland and in France (Geneva, Paris, Lyon and La Rochelle) and is also very active at the international level (especially in the Middle East and Africa). Arx iT offers personalized Web and Mobile GIS-IT services & solutions with high added value : GIS consulting and expertise, web and app design, spatial data engineering, implementation and integration of GIS solutions, training, and also ensures third-party application maintenance. Arx iT also runs research and innovation projects such as Big and Open Data, Cloud GIS, Geo-BIM / Geo-IoT and GeoAI integration. Arx iT has been a longstanding Esri Partner. It was the first Esri Partner in France to obtain the “ArcGIS Online” specialty (2017) and “Release Ready” (2019) specialty. At the Business Partner Conference in Palms Springs (USA / CA) in 2020, arx iT was awarded as the Platform Adoption Winner. And last but not least, at the Esri EPC 2023 in Palm Springs, arx iT was awarded the corner stone award for 20 years of continued partnership. Arx iT is present in France with its 3 agencies : Paris 183-189 Av. de Choisy 75013 Paris + 33 1 78 09 94 37 Lyon 20A Bd Eugène Deruelle 69432 Lyon cedex 03 + 33 4 78 03 10 08 La Rochelle 3b Perspective de l’Océan 17000 La Rochelle +33 05 46 34 07 71