advangeo® minerals

By Beak Consultants GmbH

Solution details




The extension advangeo® minerals was developed to adapt the advangeo® prediction software to commodity-related questions. The advangeo® prediction software uses a data-driven modelling approach based on artificial intelligence algorithms, which can be used for the interpretation of various geoscientific data to conduct both qualitative and quantitative predictions. The extension assists the user in each step from data preparation, model generation to the creation of forecast calculations. Qualitative Prediction (Prediction of localities) Qualitative predictions provide information about the probabilities of the occurrence of a certain type of mineralisation at a certain locality, but not about its intensity. The model training requires known localities of mineralisations with the same or similiar genetic properties. Through sensitivity analysis, the software can be used to develop and improve genetic models and concepts. The workflow of the modelling starts with the stepwise sensitivity analysis of related parameters (localisation of the mineralisation) on available input data layers (e.g. geological, geochemical, geophysical, tectonic maps). Afterwards, the model is generated by the combination of sensitive layers. The calculation result of a qualitative prediction is a prospectivity map.


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