advangeo® predicion software

By Beak Consultants GmbH

Solution details




The advangeo® prediction software is an ArcGIS-Extension for spatial forecasting providing the artificial neural network technology in a GIS environment. It uses the learning ability of artificial neural networks and combines them with the strengths of modern databases and geographic information systems. The advangeo® prediction software allows predictions of issues, which can usually not be solved analytically such as evaluation of mineral prospectivity, prediction of geohazards, occurrence of pests / pathogens, distribution of physical and chemical parameters in soils, waters, air, further development of habitats and species, demand for fertilizers, etc. It can be used for the interpretation of various geoscientific data to conduct both qualitative and quantitative predictions. The software assists the user in the different steps of data preparation, network training and application. It records the metadata of all working steps, what makes the calculations repeatable and helps to visualise the results. Many useful features, such as automatic mapping of vector and raster data to base grids, calculation of derivatives, and generation of Euclidian distances are included. We currently offer the following software products: advangeo® prediction software: basic version advangeo® erosion: extension for erosion modelling advangeo® minerals: extension for minerals prediction


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