Through cloud technology, which enables the effective management of data and platforms, Deda Next promotes the development of a people centered society. For the central and local Public Administration, the company facilitates the digital transformation and simplification of processes by offering data-driven SaaS platforms and solutions for the end-to-end management of administrative procedures. Deda Next is committed to a new level of healthcare, offering solutions and services for the management of the hospital information system, for the evolution of welfare, for the management of administrative procedures, and telemedicine platforms. It supports Utilities and other energy companies in the sustainable evolution of their business processes and models along the entire supply chain - the physical one (production, distribution, transmission, and transport) and the economical one (trading, sale, energy markets). Deda Next is also committed to develop smart cities models primarily designed for people, making it an ecosystem for the sustainable development and the quality of life. It does so by integrating data and digital platforms, systems, and organizations for a unified Public Administration, more efficient and closer to the people. Keyword: interoperability. Facts: 56milion revenues | +500 people | 12 offices in Italy | 5 competence center | +1200 clients | +700 technology certifications