IGC Geoportal

By Engefoto Engenharia e Aerolevantamentos

Solution details




The problems of political management and regional technical management are growing, not only because of the size of the regions, but also because of the level of demand and consciousness of the citizen who occupies the geographical space, in these times of globalization in which access to information is frank and generous to individuals communities and society as a whole. Thus the importance of information for the society is not only a finding a basic necessity for the success of all actions that aim at the welfare of the same. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a powerful tool to support planning and decision-making, its use will provide improvements in processes ensuring better management of information and geographical space. IGC Geoportal was developed using ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Image Server and Oracle Spatial to provide spatial data from the state of São Paulo. Five applications were implemented, four using the Silverlight API for ArcGIS and one using the JavaScript API.


Demographics,Environmental Management,GIS,Land Records,Public Administration & Policy

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