Maringá 3D

By Engefoto Engenharia e Aerolevantamentos

Solution details




Many municipalities today require data from the technical register to perform administrative procedures determined by law or to improve the provision of public services, but for the most part information is fragmented or concentrated in a system that does not include 3D data and graphs situations. With this in mind, the Municipal Administration of Maringá (PR), through the Department of Planning and with resources from the IDB, contracted in 2016 a solution aimed at updating the cadastral base of the entire municipal area. The updating was done through photogrammetric processes and laser profiling, obtaining orthophotos, 3D stereophotogrammetric restitution, obtaining and volumetric of all buildings, 360º terrestrial mobile imaging and the implementation of a robust network of vertices. Application for 3D data visualization of the municipality of Maringá.


GIS,Land Records

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