Gamma Microwave Instruments

By Gamma Remote Sensing

Solution details




GAMMA designs, manufactures and sells microwave remote sensing instruments. Some of the instruments are available as commercial products (GPRI, L-Band SAR, ELBARA) others are developed under contracts, e.g. of the European Space Agency (SnowScat, WBScat). The GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI) uses a novel imaging approach with a rotating array of real-aperture antennas, enabling wide coverage. Its mobility allows quick mounting on a tripod, facilitating rapid deployment. By employing high-gain real-aperture antennas, the GPRI minimizes signal noise and decorrelation effects, ensuring reliable measurements over extensive distances. Predominantly used for monitoring unstable slopes and rocks, it also supports applications such as glacier velocity mapping and infrastructure monitoring. With two receive antennas, it can measure topographic heights, while its ability to operate without azimuth rotation enables the monitoring of fast phenomena. The interferometric processing of GPRI data is supported by the GAMMA Software. The GAMMA L- and S-Band Synthetic Aperture Radars are compact and versatile systems supporting interferometric, polarimetric, and polarimetric-interferometric SAR data acquisitions. Suited for agile sensor platforms like UAVs and automobiles, they enable measurement of surface displacements in the line-of-sight direction from repeat-pass SAR images. Together with the Ku-band GPRI, the GAMMA L-and S-Band SAR systems provide complementary properties in terms of temporal decorrelation and sensitivity to LOS surface displacements. SAR imaging and interferometric processing are supported by the Time Domain Back Projection (TDBP) processor and InSAR processing modules ISP/DIFF&GEO of the GAMMA Software. The ELBARA-II is a 1.4 GHz radiometer developed for ground-based signature studies and cross-comparison campaigns related to ESA SMOS and NASA SMAP satellite radiometers. Initially built under ESA contract, further instruments were tailored for academia customers.


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