2 Fat Thumbs

By Geographic Business Solutions Ltd.

Solution details




2 Fat Thumbs is built for Windows 7 and 8 using the Esri Runtime .NET SDK. It is designed for in field data viewing, data editing and data collection on windows tablets. 2 Fat Thumbs takes its configuration from your WebMaps and as such can be used for any field based activity. Supports creating and editing related table records online and offline Features: Fully integrated with ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS - note that you must have an ArcGIS Online account or Portal for ArcGIS to use 2 Fat Thumbs. On-line/off-line operation - take your data off-line into the field with you and easily sync back to ArcGIS Online when you are done. Download (and re-use) base maps or provision devices with pre-built basemaps (.tpk files) Off-line related tables/records - view, edit, create. Field based data collection including attaching photos and files. WebMap driven configuration. Designed for use on windows tablets/laptops (touch screens, pens an keyboard/mouse) in the field - large buttons, easy to use - min screen resolution 1024 x 768.


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