ITpipes, LLC.

Seattle, WA, United States


Built on ESRI’s latest technologies, ITpipes web brings location intelligence into your pipeline maintenance and rehab program. ITpipes is used by hundreds of North American agencies for field data collection, automated syncing and inspection organization, and powerful drill-down reporting. All of these tools work with GIS mapping and can be configured to manage exactly the data and reporting needed. Utilizing ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Pro, (and earlier ESRI products), ITpipes gives you instant visualization of actionable inspection intelligence to support your inspections, FOG, root removal, rehab and other programs.



Infrastructure Technologies has successfully serviced many of America's most demanding municipal clients! Focused on pipeline inspection management, our premier ITpipes software integrates comprehensively with ESRI GIS products. We provide a solid foundation for clients using ESRI and ITpipes to ensure your GIS platform is able to integrate with ITpipes. For clients looking to enhance their usage of ESRI and ITpipes, we generally begin with a needs assessment to determine your existing GIS status. After learning about your current situation and understanding your goals, we can serve your organization by offering a road map for GIS/ITpipes integrated success.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, Training Services


Water, Wastewater & Stormwater
