Orca Maritime Inc

Imperial Beach, CA, United States


Orca Maritime specializes in underwater imagery and data collection, using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), towed systems and divers. Surveys conducted utilize sonar equipment that is the standard in both commercial enterprise and the United States Navy. Processed underwater information is provided in highly configured systems of record and engagement using the Esri ArcGIS platform. Orca Maritime builds Underwater Geographic Information Systems (UGIS) components to complement existing GIS programs or as stand-alone planning tools. All of the elements of a comprehensive underwater survey are compiled to deliver an accurate, layered Geographic Information System. This UGIS includes submerged infrastructure such as pipelines, cables and tunnels. It also includes a detailed geodatabase which comprises of bottom objects and pertinent environmental data. Using this information, a fully navigable web-based image rendering of the bottom is developed, giving a clear visual reference to where objects are in relation to each other. These UGIS products are information-rich and user friendly in order to support emergency action plans for military and commercial port security organizations, engineering maintenance programs, and environmental protection initiatives.



Orca Maritime provides unique underwater GIS services to clients in support of environmental monitoring, underwater security and maintenance, and trend analysis. Underwater infrastructure is rendered in 3D using Orca Maritime's bathymetry, side scan sonar, photo and video imagery, collected with diver-recorded, vessel-mounted, remote and autonomous underwater systems. Orca Maritime's services are provided by small teams with portable equipment, resulting in rapid-response, low-cost operations. Data sets/layer include: -side scan sonar mosaics and snippets -bathymetry -sub-bottom profiles -temperature layers -salinity readings -underwater photography and videography Orca Maritime's visual underwater products support: -environmental monitoring -port and shipping channel security -oil and gas industry including pipeline assessments -infrastructure inspection -dredging programs -underwater object recovery -utility mapping -shipwreck surveys -unexploded ordnance (UXO) surveys -coral reef evaluations

Services Provided:

Business Case Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, System Integration, Training Services


Defense,Electric & Gas,Environmental Management,Homeland Security,Maritime,Petroleum,Public Safety
