
By Rizing

Solution details




OmniSpatial is a progressive web application that loads into modern web browsers and runs without online access. Data can be cached to mobile devices for field use, and newly collected or updated data will sync to the source system once the device is online. OmniSpatial consumes Esri map and feature services for data viewing and updates including Esri Roads and Highways and ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing extension linear referencing services. Integrated data sources such as weather, environmentally sensitive areas, and crew locations support real time operational and situational awareness out in the field. OmniSpatial is configurable for any number of field or office uses based on the authenticated user’s role in the organization. Role based maps, data, and user interfaces provide an initial, consistent user environment. Users can also adjust and save personal configurations based on individual preferences. OmniSpatial’s map interface can be integrated with SAP Asset Manager to provide a more robust and unified mapping experience. Correcting asset locations based on field inspections (red-lining), getting directions to assets, and generating notifications on assets are just a few of the features available to users.



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