Solution details
Stone has been working with the New York State Department Office of Planning and Development (OPD) since 2005 to develop a system to communicate planning efforts to a variety of stakeholders and to disseminate data and information about their programs. From its initial beginnings in 2005, the system has grown from a data inventory within a Microsoft Access Database to a fully integrated web-based mapping system with a data catalog, mapping capabilities, tools and stories. The current New York Geographic Information Gateway serves as a one-stop, state-of-the-art website to find data, information, tools and expert knowledge relevant to New York’s existing uses and resources. The Gateway website allows users to view datasets related to the OPD’s programs, including the Ocean & Great Lakes Program among five others. The full site includes functionality to browse, search, download, and view OPD datasets. In Rec-IT, users can tag their location and fill out a short survey regarding their recreation activity and experience and upload images and videos. Users can explore data through the web map viewer, by adding datasets to Google Earth, or by reviewing metadata. Additionally, extensive information on the various programs at the OPD is presented in custom stories. In 2022, Stone has teamed up with the New York State OPD again. Work is currently underway to migrate the Gateway to ArcGIS Hub, including Experience Builder, ArcGIS StoryMaps and other web applications to further enhance the site and highlight its content for a wide audience. Visit the current site at and stay tuned for the Hub site release.