ArcNews Online

Summer 2002

Revisiting Swiss Cable Communications

The article entitled "Swiss Cable Communications Provider Implements GIS-Based Network" on page 24 of the printed edition of the Winter 2001/2002 ArcNews (Vol. 23 No. 4) inadvertently left out a mention of POWERSOFT R. Pian S.A., whose software product FiberNET is discussed in the article as significantly contributing to the communication company's Geo-Schema view. In addition, FiberNET is a stand-alone application and is not part of the functionality of the Geo-Schema customized application. Last, the small screenshot inset among the collage of screenshots on the page should have been identified as a FiberNET window. Please see for the corrected version of the article. Esri sincerely regrets any confusion or inconvenience this oversight may have caused.

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