ArcGIS Enterprise

Dev Summit 2022: Locate electric vehicle charging stations along a route

Taking a day trip can be an enjoyable way to visit friends or family, discover new restaurants or attractions, or to experience a change in scenery along the way.

When planning a day trip, you might create a list of potential stops ahead of time, for example those where you plan to charge or refuel your vehicle.

In this demonstration, Lingtao shows how to publish a notebook as a web tool to create a route and locate electric vehicle charging stations along the way. Her analysis is based on data provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Once she’s mapped out public charging stations on her designated route, she can print the results or create a web map to be used as a reference on her trip as needed.

Workflow and analysis

1. Using Python code, update the notebook to do the following:

2. Configure notebook parameters by specifying:

Web tool input parameters
Web tool output parameters

3. Save the notebook and publish it as a web tool.

Additionally, share it with the organization where other members can use it to calculate various routes and to identify additional charging stations.

Publish a web tool to locate charging stations

4. Prepare a map for the road trip:

Once the results are returned, she’s all set – and ready for a drive!

Learn more

About the authors

Sara is a lead product engineer on the ArcGIS Enterprise team. She enjoys spending time at the lake, non-fiction, and cooking.

Lingtao is a Product Engineer for ArcGIS Notebooks. Her work focuses on notebook runtimes, web tools, and notebook samples. Prior to this role, Lingtao worked in Esri Technical Support as a subject matter expert in APIs and SDKs.

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