The Esri User Conference returns to San Diego in one week! To help you navigate the hundreds of sessions and activities being offered, we have prepared an agenda for ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.
For a full list of sessions and activities and to create your schedule, view the detailed agenda.

ArcGIS Experience Builder
Imagery in ArcGIS: Exploiting Oriented Imagery
Tuesday, July 12th, 10:00am – 10:45am PDT, SDCC Expo Demo Theater 07
Brian Connolly, Esri
Oriented imagery is an ArcGIS-wide solution for managing, visualizing, and exploring images that aren’t pointing straight down at the ground—oblique, street-side, inspection, 360-degree, panoramic, and wide-angle images, and even video. This session will demo the complete oriented imagery workflow—managing your imagery as an oriented imagery catalog in ArcGIS Pro, publishing your catalog to ArcGIS Online, then using it to create a shareable app with ArcGIS Experience Builder, where end users can explore your imagery in the context of a 2D web map or 3D scene.
ArcGIS Experience Builder Spotlight Session: What’s New in June 2022
Tuesday, July 12th, 11:30am – 11:55am PDT, SDCC Expo Theaterette 02
Thursday, July 14th, 1:30pm – 1:55pm PDT, SDCC Expo Theaterette 02
Thomas Coughlin, Esri
The June update includes the new Print, Timeline, and 3D Toolbox widgets. Other updates include support for custom Show on map symbols and the new utility service panel.
ArcGIS Experience Builder: Building Your First Widget
Tuesday, July 12th, 12:15pm – 1:00pm PDT, SDCC Expo Demo Theater 07
Wednesday, July 13th, 10:00am – 10:45am PDT, SDCC Expo Featured Demo Theater
Previn Wong and Alix Vezina, Esri
Discover how to use TypeScript and React to build your first widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder. Learn how to debug your widget and improve your debugging experience.
ArcGIS Experience Builder Spotlight Session: Introduction to Templates
Tuesday, July 12th, 4:30pm – 4:55pm PDT, SDCC Expo Theaterette 02
Thomas Coughlin, Esri
Learn all about Experience Builder’s default templates, how to create new ones, and how to replace a template’s default data with your own.
ArcGIS Experience Builder: Mobile Optimization
Wednesday, July 13th, 10:00am – 10:45am PDT, SDCC Expo Demo Theater 09
Thomas Coughlin and Wei Ying, Esri
With ArcGIS Experience Builder, you can configure apps to display differently on tablet, mobile, and desktop screens, all with one intelligent URL. Learn how to create an app from a template or start from scratch, then adapt your content for all screen sizes.
ArcGIS Experience Builder Spotlight Session: Install and Start Up Developer Edition
Wednesday, July 13th, 11:30am – 11:55am PDT, SDCC Expo Theaterette 02
Previn Wong, Esri
A step-by-step guide to installing and starting up the developer edition of ArcGIS Experience Builder.
ArcGIS Experience Builder: An Introduction
Wednesday, July 13th, 1:00pm – 2:00pm PDT, SDCC Ballroom 6 D
Jianxia Song and Kenyon Wilker, Esri
ArcGIS Experience Builder empowers you to quickly transform your data to interactive, mobile optimized web apps and web pages. Flexibility, integration, mobile optimization, and interconnection are keys that set it apart from alternatives. Learn the building blocks of Experience Builder including pages, windows, widgets, data sources, layouts, and themes, as well as how they work together seamlessly, then adapt the content on different screen sizes, integrate with ArcGIS Survey123 and ArcGIS Dashboards apps to streamline processes, and interact with your 2D and 3D data for immersive experience.
ArcGIS Experience Builder: Working with Style and Layout
Wednesday, July 13th, 4:00pm – 5:00pm PDT, SDCC Room 15 B
Mike Gaigg and Wei Ying, Esri
Built with flexibility in mind, ArcGIS Experience Builder enables you to have a complete control over layouts and design elements. Understanding what the style settings do and how they change depending on the page layout can be challenging. Come learn all about using styles and layout widgets to design apps that are optimized on mobile.
ArcGIS Experience Builder Spotlight Session: Design Layouts
Wednesday, July 13th, 4:30pm – 4:55pm PDT, SDCC Expo Theaterette 02
Thomas Coughlin, Esri
Learn some design tips to keep in mind as you build powerful apps from scratch using drag-and-drop widgets.

ArcGIS Web AppBuilder
Taking Web Applications to Scale: Lessons Learned
Tuesday, July 12th, 8:30am – 9:30am PDT
Wednesday, July 13th, 4:00pm – 5:00pm PDT
Jennifer Laws, Kaylee Rivera, and Maddie Haynes, Esri
Many organizations saw their web applications and usage take off through 2020 and 2021, as citizens and constituents logged on and viewed geospatial apps and tools more than ever before. How can you plan for this kind of increased usage, visibility and business criticality from the beginning? This session will cover the planning, testing and implementation of highly visible applications, sharing our own best practices from apps like the Johns Hopkins COVID Case dashboard and our work supporting utility notifications, public information apps and other tools at scale.
Modernizing Your Web AppBuilder Apps Using Experience Builder
Wednesday, July 13th, 8:30am – 9:30am PDT
Friday, July 15th, 9:00am – 10:00am PDT
Jianxia Song, Wei Ying, and Alix Vezina, Esri
ArcGIS Experience Builder is built on the latest web technologies. As more capabilities are added to Experience Builder, it might be time to consider modernizing your ArcGIS Web AppBuilder apps. In this session, you will learn how to improve your app with the most modern technology Experience Builder offers while keeping a consistent user interface and workflow to minimize the impact on your existing audience. We will talk about Experience Builder templates, building complete experiences, and mobile optimization.
ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Spotlight Session: Functionality Matrix – Web AppBuilder & Experience Builder
Thursday, July 14th, 4:30pm – 4:55pm PDT, SDCC Expo Theaterette 02
Jianxia Song, Esri
Learn about functional parity between Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder and the road map for migrating widgets.

In addition to in-person, many sessions are available for digital access via livestream or recording. View the detailed agenda to learn about access types.
Our team will also be available for chats and one-on-one meetings through the Expo and Showcase.
Don’t forget to register, and we will see you soon!
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