ArcGIS Dashboards

Try some dashboards

With the December 6th update to ArcGIS Online, the completely new, web-centric experience for Operations Dashboard is out of beta and released! Let’s look at some of the stunning, interactive dashboards that have been built with it, and some tips for using them. Click the image of a dashboard to open a shared version you can take for a test drive.

Snow Plow Dashboard

Snowplow dashboard

The Snow plow dashboard monitors snow plowing: what streets are plowed, where trucks are, have been, and are going, and complaints about the plowing efforts. Using the dashboard, you can restrict the truck tracks in the dashboard to time intervals, such as the last 5 minutes or last hour, as well as to a particular plow. All this can be used to inform decisions about what happens next.

Use this dashboard to answer questions like:

Water Quality Dashboard

Water quality dashboard

The Water Quality dashboard shows the current water quality as reported by sensors at various locations. It includes detailed mercury, E. coli, and enterococcus bacteria levels, as well as ratings of OK, Advisory, and Unknown for each sensor. This information provides an understanding of the water quality for the region.

Use this dashboard to answer questions like:

General tips for using dashboards

The exact functionality of a dashboard is up to the author: they can add elements and actions to present the information they need to communicate. However, there are some things common to using the features when they are enabled:

Stacked element tabs

About the author

Kylie strives to bring GIS to K-12 classrooms. A long-time Esri employee, she previously worked on Esri's field operations, focused on documentation and best practices. She is an avid runner often found on the trails or chasing her children.


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