Site selection Find restaurant clusters Review a workflow that explores data and performs clustering analysis to determine the potential best zones for a new restaurant in Pittsburgh.
Routing Find the nearest hospital This workflow creates routes to all nearby hospitals from an emergency incident to identify the optimal route to transport the injured.
Raster analytics Count features in satellite images This workflow counts the number of center pivots through the Difference of Gaussians method using the scikit-image library.
Deep learning Predict El Niño–Southern Oscillation Explore correlation analysis and time-series analysis to predict El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) based on climate variables and indexes.
Content management Check for broken URLs This workflow can be used to automatically identify WebMaps with broken layers and alert the necessary users to take appropriate action.
Administration Manage inactive users Learn how to sift users within a portal, disable those who haven't logged in for some time, and trigger an email informing them of this.
Network analysis Track river pollutants Find the watershed area that drains to a storm drain and identify the route that pollutants will take if they are dumped into the drain.
Machine learning Predict asthma rates Use the Forest-Based Classification method to identify the block groups that have the highest children's hospitalization rates for asthma issues.