Tech Time
Get demographic and market insights on the go with the Esri Business Analyst Online mobile app loaded onto your smartphone. You can evaluate sites, trade areas, or neighborhoods in more than 135 countries. Read the article.
The Vermont Agency of Transportation used the Collector for ArcGIS app on a smartphone to identify and inspect railroad crossings. Read the article.
More cartographers, GIS professionals, and others, are using hexagons to visualize data on their maps. Get tips on how to use hexagons.
ArcGIS Online now includes step-by-step instructions for analyzing categorical data from MODIS, displaying Ocean currents as vectors and more. Read the blog.
Maps & More
Share your GIS story using the Road to UC! Story Map, a crowdsourced map that shows where you are coming from and where you are going with geospatial technology. Read the article.
Put your story on the map.
Attention, creative mappers! Come one, come all—enter Esri's new Storytelling with Maps Contest. The deadline to submit entries is June 8, 2015. Read the article and submit your entry.
Data Appliance for ArcGIS provides terabytes of worldwide basemaps and reference layers behind your firewall. Order today.
The Last Word
Learn how the City of Boston, Massachusetts, dealt with this year's record-breaking snowfall. Check out Snow Journal, a Story Map Journal that includes a video of a snow farm (no animals included). View the Snow Journal.
Honolulu, Hawaii; Yonkers, New York; and Minneapolis, Minnesota, were all on Livability's Top 10 Healthiest Cities list. Learn about how each city ranked and Esri data's role in the city selections. Read the article at