ArcWatch: GIS News, Views, and Insights

December 2015

This Mapping App's On Fire

By Carla Wheeler
ArcWatch Editor

Fire hydrants in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, are being adopted and given names such as Squirt, Li'l Johnny Pump, and Miss Scarlett, thanks to a new, fun, and inventive Adopt a Hydrant mapping app residents are using. The app was created by the City of Brooklyn Park to encourage people to volunteer to keep hydrants free of snow and ice during the winter months, giving firefighters easy access to water during a fire. Read the article.

You can use the Adopt a Hydrant app to zoom in on a Brooklyn Park neighborhood and choose from one of the available hydrants, symbolized by the red icons.

read the article

The Tip

Create a Map with a Glowing Double Ring Effect

Learn how to make a map with a glowing double ring effect using smart mapping in ArcGIS Online. Esri's Bern Szukalski and Mark Harrower take you through the steps. Read the tip.

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