Radar Constellation (TerraSAR-X/PAZ)

By Airbus, Intelligence

Solution details




The German TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X satellite formation and Spanish PAZ satellite (Hisdesat) operate in the same orbit tube and feature identical ground swaths. Together they form the Airbus ‘Radar Constellation’. The satellites carry a high frequency X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor in order to acquire datasets ranging from very high-resolution to wide area coverage. Data is collected independent of weather and daylight conditions. The Airbus Radar Constellation provides an increased acquisition capacity as well as an improved global mean revisit time (~ daily revisit) and a significantly reduced interferometric repeat cycle (4 days / 7 days), supporting data-hungry, high monitoring frequency applications. Our Radar Constellation key features: -- Imagery of varying modes with a flexible spatial resolution (from 25cm to 40m) and footprint -- Geometric accuracy unrivalled by any other commercial spaceborne sensor today -- Excellent radiometric accuracy -- Weather-independent site access to any point on Earth -- Unique agility (rapid switches between imaging modes and polarizations)



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