GlobeSpotter for ArcGIS For Desktop

By Cyclomedia Technology Inc., US

Solution details




CycloMedia integrates its street-level imagery (HD-Cycloramas) directly within Esri's ArcGIS platform. With "GlobeSpotter for ArcGIS Desktop," HD-Cycloramas are displayed in a separate window but directly connected and controlled via tools in ArcGIS. Newly created features and the measuring of objects are transferred into Esri's "geo-database" for immediate visualization and update. With GlobeSpotter for ArcGIS Desktop you can: - Visualize geo-referenced data, take measurements, and gather new data. - Generate accurate asset inventories for your GIS applications. - Link results to 3rd party appraisal, work order, and asset management tools Delivered as a SaaS service, "GlobeSpotter for ArcGIS Desktop" ensures better integration into your day-to-day work processes without requiring major modifications or costs to your own infrastructure. And its source code is freely downloadable on GitHub under an open source license (LGPL).


Electric & Gas,GIS,Highways & Roads,Information Technology,Land Records,Parks & Recreation,Public Safety,Public Works,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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