Solution details
HD GeoCyclorama is a seamless, spherical 360° panoramic image taken at street level with CycloMedia's patented recording technology and has a number of unique features, including metric accuracy, pixel-level georeferencing, and parallax-free panoramic image stitching. With HD GeoCycloramas you can: - Reduce field visits by spot-checking in the office first. - Take precise object measurements with high relative and absolute accuracy. - Leverage an image archive taken regularly with fully accessible metadata attributes. Collected systematically and on a large scale with a standard interval of 5 meters (16.4 feet), each HD GeoCyclorama forms an essential source of information for asset management, property assessment, transportation and utilities.
Electric & Gas,GIS,Highways & Roads,Information Technology,Land Records,Parks & Recreation,Public Safety,Public Works,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater