Solution details
Risk Insight offers a powerful yet intuitive means of assessing risk across your portfolio, providing underwriters, brokers and senior managers with a clear picture and understanding of individual risks and aggregated exposure. Implemented as SaaS (Software as a Service), Risk Insight can be integrated with your existing systems to provide a rich, seamless experience for your users. Key Features - Address-level risk assessment for high precision results - Bespoke risk scoring to suit your own product lines and appetite for risk - Industry-leading perils data including flood, subsidence & crime - Visualise policies and calculate exposure across your portfolio - Holistic approach to risk assessment and exposure management - Provide underwriters, brokers and senior managers with a clear picture of risk - Global solution with detailed, local base mapping options - Integrated with your existing systems for a seamless user experience - Maintenance free SaaS (Software as a Service) with data updates included Contact us today for further information and an obligation-free demonstration!