Solution details
Special events, such as fairs, carnivals, parades, running races, concerts, craft shows, sporting events, and festivals, are essential to create connections and draw people together in a community. However, organizing such events can pose logistical and public safety challenges, ranging from event setup to concurrent events, departure, and contingencies. It is crucial for organizations to have a comprehensive system that manages all these events simultaneously instead of addressing each event separately. ActivePlan Special Events is a tool that helps create safety plans, manage contingencies, and monitor public safety operations during a special event or a large-scale incident. These plans allow for a comprehensive analysis of all the possible options to ensure everyone's safety, including responders and the general public. The plans are designed to address various potential natural or human-caused situations. Collaborate in a geographic, time-based context to simplify event planning and operations workflows. The multi-tiered solution can begin by digitizing the traditional "red binder" and sharing the event plan in real time. You can then expand to monitor live event information alongside incident information, data from cooperating agencies, and resource location using AVL. -- Monitor events and incidents and coordinate available, in-use, and collaborator resources during a response. -- Oversee events from planning to tear-down, including concurrent activities, with automatic updates to the operational map. -- Plan for multiple events happening at the same time alongside the main event. -- Map Incident Command Posts, access points, evacuation routes, staging locations, and plan for warm and cold zones. ActivePlan Special Events is a highly effective tool for monitoring complex events such as professional football championships, related fan events, large-scale music festivals, and recurring events like county fairs and farmers' markets. Irrespective of the size or complexity of the event, Intterra equips you with the capabilities to organize special events, create event site maps and plans, and manage event operations and related incidents seamlessly.