Solution details
The Lynx Resource Portal (LRP) is a web-portal with back-end database management system (DBMS) for efficiently visualising, managing and delivering seismic and wireline well log data images and other petroleum exploration data through a map-based web browser in real time. It is based on petroleum-industry standard software - Oracle 11g database and ArcGIS Server. All common desktop and mobile browsers are supported for client-side access. National Oil Companies and petroleum agencies need to show seismic and other exploration data to oil companies, so that they can quickly and efficiently decide their interest in acreage opportunities. For busy new ventures explorationists, on-line viewing of images (before data purchase of SEG-Y) cuts this cycle-time very considerably. The Lynx Resource Portal is also ideal as a hosted secure virtual data room for licence bid rounds, and sharing data and interpretations for farm-out opportunities.