Downtown: Energize!


Solution details




Client: Kentlands Downtown Working Group Challenge: The Kentlands development in Gaithersburg, Maryland, located north of Washington, DC, offers residents a high density of services, restaurants, and entertainment. From a residential perspective, Kentlands has been a success, with more than 8,000 inhabitants living in the development and its sister community, Lakelands. But the town has had challenges on the retail side, including assembling an ideal group of businesses that will have long-term success. Solution: To help amplify a local initiative to energize Kentlands’ retail businesses and boost economic development, SymGEO developed Downtown: Energize Kentlands. The web-based community engagement platform, built on ArcGIS Hub, is designed to inform the public about future plans for Kentlands and provide a feedback mechanism for residents to express what kinds of retail offerings they would like to see. Featured as a case study by Esri, the solution is now available for configuration in the ArcGIS Marketplace. Client Feedback: “Downtown Energize! is an innovative digital tool that provides mapping of business locations to potential and existing customers in a format that is fun, easy to use, and flexible enough to accept updates and even track current events. It’s a win-win for our community by empowering residents to engage with our local businesses and to energize our downtown!” – Local Business Owner, Kentlands


Community Development

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