Ed Prizes is a series of competitions managed by Luminary Labs under US Department of Education contracts. This collaboration with America’s innovators is designed to increase equal career and technical education (CTE) through open national challenges that ask participants to develop initiatives customized to the needs of their communities.
This program provides opportunities for students to connect with employers and experts across industries. The past eight competitions have focused on specific outcomes, such as Rural Tech Project, which promotes advancing technology education in rural high schools. Another challenge, Reach Higher is focused on app development and data education.
In the EDSiM Challenge, students created simulated environments via augmented reality, virtual reality, and video game development. Yet another challenge, the CTE Makeover Challenge, inspired high school students to design makerspaces for creating, inventing, tweaking, and exploring hands-on projects. And the most recent competition, CTE Mission: CubeSat, invited high schools to bring space missions to students by designing and building CubeSat prototypes.
Since 2016, challenges developed by Ed Prizes have advanced student technological skills through hands-on learning to fill future talent pipelines and open pathways to rewarding careers.