3D Visualization & Analytics

World Imagery Adds New and Updated Community Contributions

The most recent ArcGIS.com Imagery basemap updates added five brand new Community Map contributions and seven updated or expanded community contributions. These contributions help enhance content in the Living Atlas of the World. See information below about becoming part of this community. Most of the imagery takes advantage of the recently expanded scales (down to Level 21 or ~1:282). Take this Story Map tour and see the dozen new and updated areas new to the World Imagery basemap.

Story Map

New Community Contributors

Updated/Expanded coverage of Community Contributors

Contributor Imagery Expanded to Larger Scales

Living Atlas Community

How do I use? Combine content from the Living Atlas with your own data. Create powerful new maps and applications!

How do I contribute? Join the growing community of Living Atlas of the World contributors. There are two ways to contribute!

Learn more about the ready-to-use content that is available in the Living Atlas of the World, including how you can contribute your maps and data.

Living Atlas Newsletter: This newsletter will keep you and other members of the Living Atlas user community informed through success stories, examples of applied use, visibility of new content, announcements about events, and other useful resources and information. Subscribe to the Esri News for the Living Atlas Community. You can have the newsletter sent right to your inbox by subscribing here.

Share your story: How has contributing to the Living Atlas Community benefited your organization and community? Has your participation helped meet a particular challenge? Has your applied use of Living Atlas content solved a problem or help meet a goal? Email Shane Matthews at smatthews@esri.com so we can promote your success.


If you have previously used the World Imagery Map, you may need to clear your cache in order to see the updates.

If you have feedback on content, try our Imagery Map Feedback web map.

If you have other feedback or comments, please post them to the ArcGIS Online Discussion Group and the Living Atlas Discussion Group on GeoNet.

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