
New Ocean Content Available in the Living Atlas of the World


As part of ArcGIS Online, Esri’s Ocean Content supports a vast GIS community. Thank You to our Contributors and Partners who help support the Living Atlas of the World by providing data and enriching these amazing resources.

Oceans content is one of the many themes of data available within the Living Atlas of the World.  Last month Esri released nine new data layers expanding our curated collection of ready-to-use map layers.

New Ocean content associated with this release:

Living Atlas Ocean Content

Each one of these resources are global in coverage and hosted as image services to provide full functionality throughout the ArcGIS Platform.  These services do require an ArcGIS Online log-in but do not utilize credits.  You can connect directly to these services in ArcGIS Desktop or these services can be used in web and mobile applications.

Some use-case examples of these datasets include:

Living Atlas Community

Useful Links

About the author

Keith is a Product Engineer at Esri. He serves as the Ocean Curator for the Living Atlas of the World team. Keith works to create foundational layers that can help marine researchers, scientists, and others gain a better understanding of our oceans.

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