We will be releasing the 2016 update of the U.S. Demographic data in the second half of June 2016. The data update includes Esri’s 2016/2021 projections and estimates for U.S. demographics, consumer spending, market potential, business data, and more. The new demographic data will be available on ArcGIS Online through web maps, data enrichment, reports, and infographics. The data will also be accessible using the ArcGIS apps such as Esri Business Analyst, Esri Community Analyst, ArcGIS Maps for Office, and ArcGIS Pro.
In addition to the yearly data update, there will be some additional changes made to the databases in the way of variable additions, variable deletions, variable definitions, and geography. This blog is aimed to help understand these upcoming changes.
2016/2021 Updated U.S. Demographics
Updated data on population, age by sex, race by Hispanic origin, households and families, housing by occupancy, tenure and home value, labor force and employment by industry and occupation, marital status, and income including a measure of household wealth and net worth. Some variables will be added to the Community Profile, Housing Profile, and Market Profile reports and removed from the Age 50+ Profile report.

2010-2014 American Community Survey (ACS) Demographics
Updated data representing averages over 60 months, or five years 2010–2014. Based on customer demand, we will be adding variables on Population 65+ with 2 or more Types of Health Insurance, Households by Household Type and Size, Households with Population <18 by Household Type, Households with Population 65+ by Household Type and Size, Households by Social Security Income, Retirement Income, Public Assistance/SNAP/Disability Income, and Households by Rent as a Percent of Household Income. The following variables will no longer be available in the ACS data as they are available in Esri’s Updated U.S. Demographics: Population by Marital Status, Population by Educational Attainment, Population by Industry and Occupation, Income, Income by Age, and Home Value. Some variables will be added to the ACS Population Summary and removed from ACS Housing Summary and ACS Population Summary reports.
Census 2010 Demographics
We will be adding the following variables from Census 2010: Population Inside Urbanized Areas, Population Inside Urban Clusters, Rural Population, Housing Units Inside Urbanized Areas, Housing Units Inside Urban Clusters, and Rural Housing Units. These variables will be added to the Market Profile and Housing Profile reports. Some variables will be removed from the 2010 Census Profile report.
2016 Tapestry Segmentation
Tapestry Segmentation is a market segmentation system designed to identify consumer markets in the United States. Reflecting the increasing diversity among American consumers, Tapestry includes 67 distinct market segments and 14 summary groups.
With this release, we will no longer provide a Tapestry distribution by total population. Instead, you will be able to use the Tapestry Adult Population distribution which measures population 18 and up by Tapestry segment and will replace the total population distribution in the Tapestry Profile report.
2016 Consumer Spending
We will be combining the latest Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CEX), 2013-2014, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to estimate current spending patterns and has expanded its offering to include:
- Financial assets – current and 1 year ago
- Financial liabilities – current and 1 year ago
- Additional items in household items, clothing, insurance, services, auto, and more.
Two major changes in the 2013 and 2014 CEX surveys effectively preclude comparison to previous estimates.
- The surveys were updated in 2013 to consolidate a number of items. This change will produce the removal of more than 90 variables and the addition of almost 50 new variables.
- The other change introduced a different calculation for federal and state taxes. In 2013, the CEX survey changed from reported tax payments to estimated taxes.
Based on these changes, some variables will be added and removed from all of the consumer spending reports.
2016 Market Potential
We will be combining the Doublebase ® 2014 from GfK MRI and expanded its offering to include additional items in electronics, prescription drugs, online gaming, TV channels, pets, shopping, sports, hotels, and more. This update will produce the removal of 456 variables and the addition of 77 variables. Based on these changes, some variables will be added and removed from all of the market potential reports.
2016 Retail MarketPlace
Updated Retail MarketPlace Release 1 which will contain 2015 Retail MarketPlace data brought forward into 2016 geography. The 2016 Retail MarketPlace Release 2 i.e. 2016 Retail MarketPlace data in 2016 geography will be released in Q3 2016.
2016 Business Summary and Locations
Updated Business data from Infogroup® that contains more than 13 million U.S. businesses. This data summarizes business listings by sales volume and number of employees into various industry groups defined by SIC Codes and NAICS Codes. It includes the business name, location, franchise code, industry classification code, number of employees, and sales volume–that is current as of February 2016.
In the next few weeks, we’ll post additional blogs about product release updates and specific details on data changes. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the data update and Esri Business Analyst and Esri Community Analyst products.
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