
What’s New in the ArcGIS Pro SDK 2.1

ArcGIS Pro 2.1 is now available, and included are many new updates to the ArcGIS Pro SDK Information on installing the SDK can be found in this ProGuide.

Update highlights include:

API enhancements

New code samples and guides

The teams have developed many new samples, and new concept and guide documentation which can be found at the community samples site and the SDK documentation site.

Also, the “What’s New for Developers at 2.1” page in the Pro API reference includes the full list of API Changes.

The new AnnoTools sample add-in showing examples performing updates via the new Annotation API:

Viewing metadata with the new MetadataViewer sample add-in, leveraging new Content API updates:

In the coming weeks, we’ll have new posts on the key enhancement areas listed above.

Developer Summit 2018 is coming – Search the Dev Summit agenda using “Pro SDK” to quickly find the many sessions available throughout the week.  Links to more learning opportunities at Dev Summit are found in this earlier post.

About the author

Chris is a product manager on the ArcGIS Desktop Team, focused on the ArcGIS Pro SDK and helping users achieve their Pro customization goals.

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