
What’s New in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (December 2017)

Early season’s greetings!! We’ve added several new enhancements to this holiday release of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. Many were highly requested by the user community.

2 New Widgets

Public Notification widget – This widget enables you to identify a collection of properties and create mailing labels (in PDF format) or a CSV file. This is a really useful tool for local and municipal government staff such as planning and zoning officials, to help them notify property owners and occupants of the selected properties.

For example, perhaps a fire department needs to send out a notice of hydrant flushing in a neighborhood. They could use this widget to select the properties in the proposed area, generate a mailing/contact list and inform the property owners in advance.  A collection of properties to be notified can be generated by specifying a distance from a property boundary (buffer); selecting properties along an adjoining roadway; identifying properties within an administrative area; or drawing a specific area and identifying properties within the newly drawn area.

Cost Analysis widget (beta) – This widget enables you to sketch a proposed design, then get an estimated cost of the project. When configuring the widget, you assign a cost factor for each feature you create. These costs are automatically tallied and provide an overall project or event cost. Additional cost factors can be applied, or the entire cost can be scaled based on factors not captured in the data.

For example, the app below displays the sewer system for the City of Naperville, IL. Using this widget, city planners and Water Department staff could add features that represent different infrastructure construction options to update the sewer network and get an estimation of the costs associated for both the materials and project. Different infrastructure plans can be easily proposed, along with their associated costs for easy comparisons. In this case, a modification is required along N Brainard Street (in the red zoning area) and two options are proposed.

Widget Enhancements

Builder Environment

We hope you enjoy these new enhancements to Web AppBuilder and happy holidays!!

The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Dev team

About the author

Derek is a Senior Product Manager working on ArcGIS Monitor. Based in the Esri Redlands, CA office, he's involved with requirements gathering, software development, and product marketing. Follow on Twitter/X: @GIS_Bandit | Mastodon: ) Bluesky:

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