
What’s New in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (March 2016)

The latest ArcGIS Online update of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS includes many new capabilities that offer you even more options for creating and deploying new web apps:

Support for 3D visualization
Web AppBuilder now fully supports and works with 3D content using web scenes!! When you start to create a new web app, you decide if you want it to support 2D or 3D content. 2D apps are built with web maps, 3D enabled apps are built using web scenes.

For both options, Web AppBuilder still provides an intuitive, WYSIWYG user experience and leverages the same framework. Several widgets such as the Coordinates, Navigate, Layer List, and Search widgets have been rewritten with the latest ArcGIS API for JavaScript v4.0 to work in 3D. This release also introduces several new widgets specifically designed to work with 3D data content, these include:

A detailed blog post on Web AppBuilder’s support for 3D content was published previously here and you can explore a live demo app showing 3D functionality.

4 new widgets
This release also includes several new widgets developed by the ArcGIS Solutions team. They include:

Other enhancements

Lots of cool new functionality to explore and leverage as you create new web apps!!

The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Dev team

About the author

Derek is a Senior Product Manager working on ArcGIS Monitor. Based in the Esri Redlands, CA office, he's involved with requirements gathering, software development, and product marketing. Follow on Twitter/X: @GIS_Bandit | Mastodon: ) Bluesky:

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