ArcGIS Blog

Your ArcGIS Runtime Session Guide for the 2017 DevSummit

You’re probably scrambling at this very moment. You’re trying to align and make sense of your schedule for next week’s Developer Summit in Palm Springs. You’ve got meetings, you’re worried they’ll run over. You want to find someone at the Esri showcase before the week is over. You need to “divide and conquer” with your colleagues so you all can cover the right sessions at the right times. All those fabulous demo theaters, yet you need your pool-side time, too. Blood pressure rising yet? And then there’s that Meet the Teams thing, and you’re thinking, “Nothing’s going to get in my way of meeting my favorite geo geek face-to-face for the first time.


Well, Runtime friends and family, have no fear. We want to ease your stress, so we’ve assembled this events guide, designed just for you, in hopes of navigating you safely around the nasty pitfalls of conference frenzy.

The track for native app developers

If you’re a native app developer, you won’t want to miss a single event related to the ArcGIS Runtime SDK product vision and road map.Your time is valuable, and we want to help you make the most of the week! We’ve put a lot of thought and planning this year into organizing a logical learning track for Runtime developers. This year, in addition to the great SDK-specific talks we traditionally give, you’ll find a set of sessions focused holistically on the Runtime capabilities and workflows that are common across all Runtime SDKs. We’ll kick things off with the API Architecture Intro at 1:00 on Tuesday, and then we’ll move into breakout sessions from there. Highlighting the final day of DevSummit on Friday will be the “Everything you wanted to know…” session, where YOU define the agenda by asking the ArcGIS Runtime leads anything you want. Anything. Related to ArcGIS Runtime, of course.

So, whether you’re just getting to know what ArcGIS Runtime is, or whether you’re a seasoned developer with the technology, there is something relevant for everyone. We truly believe this will be the best developer conference yet!

The following sessions cover important topics for building great native apps, for any platform or any device.

As always, we’re very excited to bring you a great line up of technical sessions and demo theaters covering intros, tips, best-practices, cutting-edge tech, LOTS of code, and a whole lot more. Each SDK has a technical session specific to their platform. Attend the following sessions to learn about platform specific SDKs and the patterns and best practices we recommend for making the most of your Android, iOS, macOS, Java, Qt QML, and .NET development. Because all of the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs are built on top of a common runtime core, we are running a series of sessions that apply equally to all ArcGIS Runtime SDKs:


No need to worry about missing anything. All sessions and demo theaters will be recorded and made available to you after the conference.

Runtime SDKs at the Esri Showcase

We’d love to talk to you at the Esri Showcase. We’ll be at the “Native Apps and SDKs” area all week, Monday afternoon through Thursday. Here, you’ll find apps built using the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs, and you can learn how to develop them yourself! Esri dev team members will be there to answer your questions and share what’s happening. In addition, you will discover opportunities to better leverage your investment in GIS and “test-drive” ArcGIS on a variety of devices.

See you there!

We’d like to wish you safe travels, and we’re really looking forward to meeting with you and sharing a great week in Palm Springs!


The ArcGIS Runtime SDK Team


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