ArcGIS Enterprise

Prerelease for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 Now Available

The ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8 prerelease is now available on My Esri to all qualified customers and includes a sneak peek into what’s coming at 10.8. As with previous prereleases, below are important notes and considerations:

The prerelease includes helpful features for ArcGIS Enterprise portal administrators, namely many enhancements to groups, including a new option to create administrative groups which support user and license management. In ArcGIS Enterprise Sites, you will see enhancements to the way sites and pages are managed, including the ability to designate specific site administrators on a per-site basis. With the prerelease comes new configurable app templates, as well as the new Vector Tile Style Editor to customize the look and style of vector tiles. The what’s new sections in the installed help include additional information on new features and functionality available in the prerelease.

Please contact technical support if you need assistance working with the 10.8 prerelease. If you do not see the prerelease in My Esri and expected to do so, please contact customer service.

The ArcGIS Enterprise Team

About the author

Hilary is a Product Manager for ArcGIS Enterprise and loves urban ecology, biking and her dog Ada.

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