While creating maps and conducting analysis in ArcGIS Enterprise, do you ever find yourself wishing you could enhance your work with great local or global content? Well now you can.
Starting at 10.5, ArcGIS Enterprise includes authoritative ready-to-use content from Living Atlas of the World. This content can help you create web maps and apps, and you can use it in analysis tools and Insights for ArcGIS.
A majority of Living Atlas content is available to consume at no additional cost. The remaining set of content consumes a nominal amount of ArcGIS Online credits. The content you choose to enable is shared with any user in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
ArcGIS Enterprise includes two types of Living Atlas content:
- Content that is hosted in ArcGIS Online
- Content that you can download and host in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal
This post details how to enable and consume Living Atlas content from ArcGIS Online in your Enterprise portal. In my next post, I’ll talk about how to configure and use this content in the analysis tools. I’ll also describe how you can host your own Living Atlas content and perform analysis. Users without an internet connection or those seeking a greater performance benefit for analysis tools may choose to go this route.
Of the content available from ArcGIS Online, three levels are available in ArcGIS Enterprise:
Default content is a collection of web maps, apps, scenes, and a sample set of layers published by Esri. It is available at no cost to all portal members by default.

Subscriber content is a collection of layers published by Esri and requires an ArcGIS Online subscription account to access. These are layers such as NAIP imagery, boundaries, live traffic, and historical maps. Your portal’s administrator must enable this content before users can consume it. This content is available for use at no additional cost.

Premium content is a type of subscriber content. It’s a collection of layers published by Esri that requires an ArcGIS Online subscription account to access. These are layers such as demographic and lifestyle maps. Like subscriber content, it requires a portal administrator to enable the content before users can consume it. These layers consume a nominal amount of ArcGIS Online credits.

All content is updated frequently, in some cases every few minutes (e.g., live traffic and weather). The item details, however, are updated with each ArcGIS Enterprise release.
For those ArcGIS Enterprise users who don’t have internet and can’t access the content from ArcGIS Online, Living Atlas content can be easily disabled by their portal administrators.
Make this rich set of Living Atlas content accessible to the rest of your organization today!
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