
ArcGIS Pro SDK Updates at 2.0

With the new ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET 2.0 release, there are some important changes to note which are outlined in this post.  For a summary of What’s New at 2.0, see this earlier post.

The following are changes regarding Pro SDK installation and migrating add-ins to ArcGIS Pro 2.0:

The following is a screenshot of accessing the Pro SDK installation from the Visual Studio Marketplace directly within Visual Studio 2017:

The process for migrating your 1.x add-in code to 2.0 is straight-forward:

Detailed information, as well as links to migration procedure documents and code snippets are found in the Highlights Section of the What’s New for Developers page.


User Conference 2017 – if you’re planning to attend the Esri UC, the Desktop SDK Team will be available all week at the ArcGIS Pro Area in the Esri Showcase to answer your questions, help you get started, and share information about the 2.0 updates.  A list of Pro SDK sessions at the UC and other Pro information is available in this earlier post.

About the author

Chris is a product manager on the ArcGIS Desktop Team, focused on the ArcGIS Pro SDK and helping users achieve their Pro customization goals.

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